Tuesday, May 19, 2009

First day of briefing!

Today was the first day of briefing. After a long day of driving and last-minute packing, we arrived at Vanguard University, checked in, ate dinner as a team, had a general meeting with all 3 teams, and then a team meeting with just the Tokyo kids. My team has 16 other great guys and girls, from ALL over the country and definitely VERY diverse! We spent about an hour and a half in team meeting getting to know one another, talking about our reasons/goals/worries about the summer, and praying for one another and for the project as a whole! I am happy to say that, even though i had a lot of worries/burdens coming into project, this day has really refreshed us all and got us ready and excited for what God has in store for us!

I want to thank everyone who has supported us in prayer and finances so far! One of the most encouraging things I've gotten so far has just been all the calls and letters from friends and family telling me they're praying for us!

As far as finances, I'm almost there (relatively), but my whole team of 17 is still in need of about $19,000! It seems like a large number but I know God can do it! If you haven't donated, or feel called to possibly donate a little extra for my fellow teammates, it would be really appreciated! (whatever is raised extra for each individual goes to the team as a whole for those who are still under)

Since project has technically already started, checks must now be sent to:
**Tokyo A Summer Project FOR Andrew Guirguis**
Campus Crusade for Christ

C/O Chrissy Tsai
16 Technology Dr Suite # 205
Irvine, Ca 92618

OR still online at:

I hope to update my blog fairly often and hope it's a good way for all to stay updated as to what God is doing in the hearts of Tokyo students as well as our own hearts!

Thanks again in advance for all your supports and prayer and I ask that you keep earnestly praying for us! I can't emphasize how important that is to my whole team!

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