Saturday, May 30, 2009

First week on Campuses!

It's been a little over a week since our first day on campuses! My team of 7 students has been sharing on Hitotsubashi University (a commerce-oriented school) and Gakugei University (an education-oriented school) where we've been talking to students about their lives, their experiences in college and in Japan, and their faiths. It started off as kind of a rough week in terms of talking to students and making contacts, but my last 2 days at Gakugei have been really encouraging! So far, there has been some really cool opportunities given to us in getting to know students:

One of my teammates (a Lacrosse player at Montana State) was invited to go and play with the whole Hitotsubashi Lacrosse team and they want to meet up with him again! Another one of my teammates invited a non-Christian student to the weekly Student Impact meeting where the student came and actually received a gospel presentation! Earlier today, a teammate and I got to give a gospel presentation to a Gakugei University student in the main cafeteria!

Overall, the week has been a test of my patience and perseverance in continuing to push though even when our work doesn't seem to be fruitful 100% of the time. It's been a week of trusting the Lord in doing my part and leaving the rest to Him, while taking refuge in Him and energizing myself in Him.

Last Saturday was a free day, so a bunch of us decided to go to Asakusa where we visited the Senso-Ji temple. At first, it was a beautiful sight in its architecture and its art, but after we walked in, it was a heart-breaking image. Hundreds of people were walking in and "praying" to Buddhist images and statues. The sad part was that it wasn't in a touristy "this is a joke" way but in a genuine "i need help" way. This just made me realize a little bit more how much this place really needs Jesus.

On a happier note, this weekend, I've had the best sushi I've ever tasted, gotten closer to my roommates and teammates, saw some really cool tourist spots, and bought a sweet new sword!

Prayer Requests:
1) That I'm seeking the Lord and His glory before anything else
2) That my whole team feel regenerated and strengthened when going to campus and sharing
3) That the hearts of Japanese students are softened and willing to listen
4) That the hearts of my team and I are broken for the students we're reaching out

Thanks for reading! I hope all is well with everybody back home (both LA and St. Louis) and I miss you all!

Until next time,

Monday, May 25, 2009

Greetings from Tokyo!

So, let me start off by saying that today has been a pretty great day! After settling in yesterday, we had an orientation this morning with the Japanese Campus Crusade for Christ where they introduced to the west campus staff that we're going to be working with and fed us a delicious lunch. They were such nice and loving people and I'm so excited to be working with them for the next 5 weeks! After lunch, we were sent on a "Taste of Tokyo" scavenger hunt where I was in a team of 3 with 2 of the teammates I'll be on campuses with. It was a great time of working together, adventuring through Tokyo, and taking ridiculous pictures. We then all got back to Koenji (where our apartments are) for dinner and then split up for a pretty amazing "date night with Jesus"!

I am so encouraged to be here right now! From all the people I have encountered today (whether Campus Crusade staff or random Japanese people we started talking to on the train), I'm starting to love this city and the people in it.

Tomorrow is going to be our first day on college campuses. I'm not really sure what to expect but I'm really excited to start talking to students and making new Japanese friends! I was a little nervous about that, but today's experience has completely changed that. Anyways, I ask for your prayers as we go tomorrow and start developing relationships and talking to students, that our hearts are aligned with God's and that we go forth with love, compassion, and wisdom, following the Lord in everything we do.

I thank you all for your support and hopefully I'll be able to post again soon!

Until next time,

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

First day of briefing!

Today was the first day of briefing. After a long day of driving and last-minute packing, we arrived at Vanguard University, checked in, ate dinner as a team, had a general meeting with all 3 teams, and then a team meeting with just the Tokyo kids. My team has 16 other great guys and girls, from ALL over the country and definitely VERY diverse! We spent about an hour and a half in team meeting getting to know one another, talking about our reasons/goals/worries about the summer, and praying for one another and for the project as a whole! I am happy to say that, even though i had a lot of worries/burdens coming into project, this day has really refreshed us all and got us ready and excited for what God has in store for us!

I want to thank everyone who has supported us in prayer and finances so far! One of the most encouraging things I've gotten so far has just been all the calls and letters from friends and family telling me they're praying for us!

As far as finances, I'm almost there (relatively), but my whole team of 17 is still in need of about $19,000! It seems like a large number but I know God can do it! If you haven't donated, or feel called to possibly donate a little extra for my fellow teammates, it would be really appreciated! (whatever is raised extra for each individual goes to the team as a whole for those who are still under)

Since project has technically already started, checks must now be sent to:
**Tokyo A Summer Project FOR Andrew Guirguis**
Campus Crusade for Christ

C/O Chrissy Tsai
16 Technology Dr Suite # 205
Irvine, Ca 92618

OR still online at:

I hope to update my blog fairly often and hope it's a good way for all to stay updated as to what God is doing in the hearts of Tokyo students as well as our own hearts!

Thanks again in advance for all your supports and prayer and I ask that you keep earnestly praying for us! I can't emphasize how important that is to my whole team!