On Tuesday night, we had men's time at an all-you-can-eat Japanese BBQ restaurant and then went back to the apartments where we discussed how to live as true men of God, pro-actively pursuing others in encouragement, edification, and love. It was a really inspiring talk and really touched on a lot of the things God has been teaching me recently.
On Wednesday night "family night", we went to dinner at an all-you-can-eat shabu shabu restaurant (so much meat for one week!, it was amazing) and then went out to a karaoke place! That was a super fun night.
Since the theme of the week was persevering together through team unity, each person was required to switch with the other campus team for one day. For me, I ended up going to Gaidai (Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Studies) on Thursday with campus team 2. It was really cool getting to go sharing with one of our guys Kyle who I had never gone sharing with and getting to see him talk to students.
Friday night was the creative date we had planned for the ladies and it was very much a success. We presented a quite comedic skit of what project would be like without the girls as well as a poem prepared by some of our guys telling them how much we appreciate and love them.
The busy week ended with yet another busy day of the whole team waking up at 7 AM to spend the day at DisneySea, only to come back home around midnight. Even though Saturday was just a fun day at a Disney theme park, God used a lot of stuff that happened to really show me how much He loves me and how much all I really need is him and nothing else in this world. On the train ride back from DisneySea, I had some of the best worship/prayer times I've had in a long time. It was a pretty great night.
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